Made in BiH
IEEE Student and Young Professional Congress BIH
30th November - 2nd December 2018
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Student and Young Professional Congress BIH 2018
The 3rd Annual IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress is back and this year is a part of a larger, country wide brand called BH Engineering Week. This year’s topic is “Made in BIH” and we will bring together companies and experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, that have made it internationally, to share their stories, struggles and inspiration. Students and young professionals from the whole country will have the opportunity to learn from those who have walked the path of success in their homeland and gain new insight into what it takes to make it here. Join us and immerse yourself in 3 days of personal development, professional networking, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial development and lifelong friendship building.
The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society. IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE Students and Young Professionals, an active and engaged portion of our membership, are interested in elevating their professional image, expanding their global network, connecting with peers locally, and giving back to their community.
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Sarajevo, BiH
Friday to Monday
30th November – 2nd December 2018
BiH Engineering Week
This year, our Congress is a part of a greater story called BH Engineering Week. We have teamed up with organizations from around the country and are starting this concept with the aim of further promoting engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Activities will be organized in Sarajevo, Tuzla and Banja Luka and will involve: our Congress which is aimed at the youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Business Forum aimed at connecting the technical industry of our country and 2 workshops between the IEEE Standards Association and members of our industry with the main topic being how to implement and standardize an IoT architecture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
For more info on BH Engineering week, visit
BHFF Career Ready Program + Technical workshops
This year we will focus on providing top level education content to participants that will include various technical and non-technical workshops. Our partner, BH Futures Foundation will organize a program of workshops aimed at preparing students and young engineers for job hunting. One of the key ideas is to teach young people the basics of presenting themselves to potential employers and making themselves more attractive in the business world. They will also get the opportunity to go through a session of Mock Interviews and try their skills out and get feedback from professionals who do employing for real life engineering companies. Stay tuned for more info on other workshops.
Speakers and Lecturers
Speakers and Lecturers
You can read more about our guests by clicking on their photo.
Stay tuned as this list will only keep growing.

Abdulmelik Pehlić
Founder & CEO of Whoopedu

Abdulmelik Pehlić
Founder & CEO of Whoopedu
Abdulmelik Pehlić was born in Velika Kladuša (27.05.1997) but currently resides in Austria where he is pursuing his MSc degree in the field of “Software Engineering and Management” at Technical University Graz. He is an iOS developer by trade.
During his BSc at International Burch University he founded startup called “Whoopedu” with the goal of gamification of education for millenials. Whoopedu is a set of 18 educational games combined into one mobile app which in its essence, serves as a helping tool for parents and teachers with education and raising of the kids, but also serves as a provider of fun moments for kids with different life stories and backgrounds. The app itself is divided into three age groups: toddler, preschooler, gradeschooler each containing 6, with the help of experts and following the school curriculum, specially developed games. App gives huge importance to creativity, interactivity and logic and also provides number of features including voice over and localization, which will hopefully help with the education of the kids with special needs, namely kids with visual impairments, kids with refugee backgrounds and overall, kids with the most need of education.
In very short time, Whoopedu became an attractive start-up, getting recognition both domestically and abroad, winning several competitions including Burch Startup Competition, Start-Me-Up Conference, Social Impact Award and representing Bosnia and Herzegovina at SIA conference in Tbilisi, Georgia and Western Balkan Summit in London where it won high 4th place.

Adisa Tufo
Director at Čip sistemi

Adisa Tufo
Director at Čip sistemi
Adisa Tufo is an economist from Sarajevo, an entrepreneur, a manager, a leader and a blogger. She has been running the family company Čip sistemi for more than five years, which primarily deals with activities in the field of electrical industry and other activities in the field of creative industries.
She is the editor-in-chief Adisa is also very active in the non-governmental sector, she is the author of the book “Vruć krompir” (Hot potato) – a story about a woman’s love, passion, entrepreneurship and dreams. Tufo is a motivational speaker at many major and important congresses and conferences in the field of business in all the countries of the region. She is highly recognized by the media, and is a winner of a number of local and regional awards for her work, including the “Successful Women of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, “The Best Women in 21st Century” and “The Lady of the Year 2018”.
You can read more about Adisa and her work if you follow her Facebook page “Adisa Tufo” or visit her website

Admir Salihagić
Director at Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, IBU

Admir Salihagić
Director at Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, IBU
Admir is one of the pioneers of entrepreneurial university concept at International Burch University. He coordinates activities of Burch Starup Incubator which was founded in 2016 as the first startup incubator established within a university in Bosnia Herzegovina. He also organizes Burch Startup Competition and High school Startup Competition, both of which are aimed at helping young people in BiH into adopting entrepreneurial mindset and choosing entrepreneurial career path. Besides, he coordinates activities of variety of student clubs which are established with aim of focusing students on more narrow and specific areas within their study fields, which would help them develop their skills and knowledge for the purpose of developing their future products as entrepreneurs. This unique blend of youth creativity and enthusiasm , endorsed and supported by academic institution, watched and backed by mentors from industry has proven to be a successful ecosystem which already started giving results in form of a number of successful and stable companies run by students. Admir’s presentation will be about how they did it and how the university plans to make more.

Admir Tursum
Founder & CEO at AT Store

Admir Tursum
Founder & CEO at AT Store
Admir graduated with a marketing degree at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo, and holds a Master’s Degree in Advertising. He specialized his knowledge and skills in the United States and has had the opportunity to discuss and share experiences with managers of the world’s largest companies, such as Apple, Google, Skype etc.
Admir is currently the CEO of AT Store which is authorized for Apple products. Admir believes that having a great team is a major success, because behind every successful company lies a good team of people. Apple certificates embellish his wall.
He worked as a radio voice actor on Radio 202 and Radio M and is currently lending a voice to big companies and other branded activities. On radio, he developed the skills of communication and developed an excellent relationship with other people. He speaks English, German and French.
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. This is a guide throughout his life.

Almedin Kavaz
IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals Committee Member

Almedin Kavaz
IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals Committee Member
Almedin Kavaz was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2016 he has got a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Department of Electric Power Engineering at University of Sarajevo.
During his studies, he has been a very active member of the IEEE and has served in roles ranging from membership development officer, student branch chairman to leadership in the Young Professionals AG Bosnia and Herzegovina section. For the last 2 years, he has served as the IEEE Young Professional AG chairman in IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina Section. In 2017 Almedin has been elected to the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle-East and Africa) Young Professionals committee. He also serves as IEEE SSIT (Society on Social Implications of Technology) Students and Young Professionals Subcommittee Chair. Almedin currently works for Energoinvest d.d., a multidisciplinary engineering company with dominant export orientation.

Amer Hadžikadić
Managing Director at Oracle BH

Amer Hadžikadić
Managing Director at Oracle BH
Mr. Hadžikadić is a graduate of University of North Carolina at Charlotte where in a class of 1998 he achieved his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. In 1999, he earned his master’s degree in Computer Science at the same University.
Upon coming back to his homeland Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2001, Mr. Hadžikadić worked 5 years as a Systems architect primarily in banking industry, at Info Studio, a software development company and an Oracle partner. After 6 years in MIMS Corporation as a Head of IT and Executive director of Team Consulting, an IT company operating within the MIMS Corporation, he came back to banking industry, this time as Director of IT at Sparkasse Bank BH. Throughout his academic and professional career, Amer was always closely involved and working with Oracle technologies. It was from the Bank that he joined Oracle and brought with him experience of designing and implementing solutions and processes that help businesses optimize and remain competitive on the market.
Working at Oracle has its challenges but teamed with his colleagues he is ready to meet and respond to each one of them.
Regardless of his busy schedule, Amer finds time and takes special pride in his involvement with young generations, speaking at various youth events and teaching at the SSST University for almost 12 years, where he helps them shape their minds and prepares them for their professional endeavors.

Armin Talić
General Manager at Bit Alliance

Armin Talić
General Manager at Bit Alliance
Armin Talić is creative re:thinker and transdisciplinary strategist with strong passion for strategic planning and a leader implementing complex projects leading teams and organizations.
Currently he works as the General Manager at Bit Alliance, the leading association of software industry companies that are export oriented, recording 50 million KM worth of export only in 2015 and employing more than 2000 staff members in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
He was Chairman of Organizing Committee of the CEO Conference at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Sarajevo, where he oversees 215 organizations, 121 speakers, 25 sponsors, 30 companies, 20 faculties, 20 non-governmental organizations, and 120 media agencies in 4 countries.
During last decade he was working at University of Sarajevo School of Economics and business as associate for developing e-learning courses. He is also an e-learning specialist for clients ranging from the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, several UNDP programs, BH Telecom, M:tel, Sparkase, Intesa, etc.
He has extensive experience in project management and human resources, having organized over a dozen conferences at various universities in the Western Balkans. Armin has written and contributed to several publications in EU and USA. He graduated with the highest honors from his B.A. in economics from the University of Sarajevo.

Dušanka Bošković
Assistant Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA

Dušanka Bošković
Assistant Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA
Dušanka Bošković received her degrees from the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Before joining the University she was working on software development for embedded systems for Energoinvest – Institute for Computer and Information Systems IRIS. She is teaching human computer interaction and biomedical engineering. In addition to teaching and research, she has been engaged in several projects promoting accreditation activities to improve quality of engineering education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dušanka has been an active IEEE volunteer in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Section since its establishment in 2005. She was founding Chair for the IEEE Affinity Group of Women in Engineering in the Section and worked on projects to raise interest of young high school students for engineering professions. She was regularly involved in many students and Young Professionals activities. After serving for two consecutive terms as Bosnia and Herzegovina Section Chair 2011-2014, Dušanka was engaged as Section Treasurer since 2015. Her engagement was recognized on regional level and she was elected IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Africa, and Middle East) Vice Chair for Member Activities 2015-2016.
Dušanka is the founding President of the Assembly for the Society for Medical and Biological Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina (DMBIUBIH). She is continually involved and dedicated to the activities of this highly motivated and engaged group of multidisciplinary professionals. She was Scientific Committee member for the Society’s conference CMBEBIH 2015, lecturer at the Summer Biomedical School in Bosanska Krupa in 2016, and the Co-Chair for the CMBEBIH 2017.

Belma Ramić-Brkić
Dean of CSIS Faculty at SSST

Belma Ramić-Brkić
Dean of CSIS Faculty at SSST
Belma Ramić-Brkić is Dean of Computer Science and Information Systems Faculty at the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST). She holds a Ph.D. degree from the International Digital Laboratory, Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, UK. Belma also has an MSc (2009) and a BSc (2006) with honors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In 2013, Belma started the first Computer Graphics club where she is working on a development of educational computer games with student members. She has published papers at international conferences and journals and is interested in research topics such as serious games, visualisation and visual perception, multi-modal perception, cultural digitalisation, human computer interaction, database systems, data mining techniques and applications, and ICT in education.
Belma is particularly interested in doing further research in development of serious games with applications in early childhood development. Two such games, initially developed within the Computer Graphics course and later improved and upgraded as an undergraduate thesis project won 2nd and 3rd place at the regional FIT Coding Challenge, held in Mostar, May 2016. The work on this project was published as book chapters in “The series Lecture Notes in Network and Systems” by Springer.

Bojana Škrobić-Omerović
Founder & CEO at Networks

Bojana Škrobić-Omerović
Founder & CEO at Networks
Bojana Škrobić-Omerović was born on September 10th, 1980 in Tuzla, where she finished high school. By profession she is a lawyer graduated from Law School. Currently she is enrolled in graduate studies in the field of international law.
Her career began during her studies, when she worked for the Council of Ministers on the project of making development strategies to combat poverty (PRSP), and it gave her the opportunity to learn a lot about the economy. Afterwards, she got a job at the World Bank as an adviser for youth issues within the education and employment, and eventually she taking over the social programs and projects financing the NGO sector in BiH. In the meantime, she took the step into the private sector as well, establishing company for marketing and events New Age where she worked as a CEO.
For many years she was the director of FIC – Foreign Investors Council in Bosnia and Herzegovina and attended a series of prestigious fellowship and study programs, such as IVLP professional exchange program of the US Embassy, the study of leadership at Oxford Keble University, and many more.
She is currently engaged as founder and CEO of one of the biggest entrepreneurial and business centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Networks INT and creator of Sarajevo Unlimited platform – the biggest regional Forum on innovations and technologies.

Džejla Međedović
Vice-Dean at Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, IUS

Džejla Međedović
Vice-Dean at Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, IUS
Džejla Međedović is a computer science professor and algorithms enthusiast who tries to infuse fun into everything she does. One of Džejla’s main interests is tackling challenging technical material and presenting it in a friendly, fun and approachable way to students, as well as researching cutting-edge algorithms and data structures for Big Data. She works as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at International University of Sarajevo, and has previously taught at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology.
During her PhD experience in the United States at Stony Brook University, Džejla learned how to work on scaling traditional algorithms and data structures to the massive and rapidly increasing amounts of data we process today. In line with that, she has published a number of research works both with her American colleagues and Bosnian students on external-memory algorithms and succinct probabilistic data structures at major European and world conferences. Her paper on Quotient filters is widely-cited and as a data structure has been implemented in industrial contexts and patent application is being submitted.
Džejla believes today’s engineer should be versatile and algorithmically savvy. In line with that, she has developed a course and is writing a book called Modern Algorithmic Toolbox, whose goal is to teach primarily the students who aspire to work in the industry and already-working engineers about the most modern algorithms and data structures used today and where they can be applied in the real-world context to help large-scale systems run more efficiently.
Mentorship is important for Džejla and she enjoys working with students, with whom she regularly publishes, and it is this aspect of her work that Džejla is particularly proud of. Džejla also participates in various STEM student-engagement camps and activities
that foster interest in science and engineering fields for highschool students, such as STEM Camp and IT Challenge.

Eddie Čustović
IEEE Innovation & Entrepreneurship, LIEF Lab Director

Eddie Čustović
IEEE Innovation & Entrepreneurship, LIEF Lab Director
With a passion for engineering, science, education, entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialisation, Eddie Custovic is a highly driven engineer with the ability to deliver exceptional project outcomes. He is a cross disciplinary early career researcher and facilitator of multi stakeholder investigations. He has worked on cutting edge R&D projects securing over 1.5 million dollars of funding in a variety of sectors including; defence, communications, power, food & agriculture, automotive, health, sports technology and civil/construction. His multicultural background and multilingualism enables him to take a politically and culturally sensitive approach to life, volunteer roles and professional career.
Eddie is an academic and industry project manager in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University and is a member of the Centre for Technology Infusion which focuses on strategic and translational research and innovation through integration of complementary research expertise. He is a leader and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) where he is currently serving on several global IEEE boards.
He is heavily involved in student mentoring and thrives on further developing student and young professionals communication, leaderships and entrepreneurial attributes. He is a tireless ambassador for STEM education and Women in Engineering and this is evident through his continued work to bridge the gap between primary/secondary/university education and industry. His work with students and employability was formally recognised in 2015 when he was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s award for supporting student employability. Eddie was also the recipient of the IEEE global Young Professionals Achievement Award highlighting his competence and contributions to this 400,000 member professional organisation.

Elvisa Bećirović
Senior Expert Engineer at Elektroprivreda BiH

Elvisa Bećirović
Senior Expert Engineer at Elektroprivreda BiH
Elvisa Bećirović holds a PhD from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb, since 2015. Currently, she is working with Public Power Utility Elektroprivreda of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a Senior Expert Engineer Associate at the Department for Strategic Development.
She is also involved in academic research and is part of the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, as a Research Associate at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering on H2020 MIGRATE project. Also, she was a lecturer and research assistant at International University Sarajevo, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and International Burch University in Sarajevo during past several years. Her main research areas are power system analysis, impact of RES integration on power system dynamics and power quality.
Elvisa is a member of the professional association IEEE and BHK CIGRE. She was the president of IEEE Power and Energy Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2012 to 2017 and currently is an active volunteer member in IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Emir Ganić
Executive Director at SSST

Emir Ganić
Executive Director at SSST
Dr. Emir Ganić completed his BSc in Computer Science at Durham University, UK, in 2005. He went on to obtain a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Buckingham University, UK, in 2007, and a PhD from the University of Sarajevo, School of Business and Economics, in 2018. His doctoral thesis was titled Modified Service Profit Chain in the Higher Education Industry.
After completing his MBA, Dr. Ganić worked as a software engineer and tester for WhiteField Computers, and as a software developer for Hewlet Packard (HP) at HERMES SOFTLab (BiH). In 2009, he joined the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) in a dual role as the University’s Head of Marketing and Teaching Assistant with the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. In 2010, Dr. Ganić was appointed Lecturer in Software Engineering and Information Systems and then in 2015, the SSST’s Executive Director.
As the university’s chief executive, Dr. Ganić designed and oversaw the implementation of a number of large-scale projects aimed at upgrading the quality of teaching and research at the University. He is presently spearheading a $10 million development project aimed at establishing a Research Institute for medicine and computer science under the SSST’s umbrella. In 2016, under his stewardship, the University was awarded the prestigious Excellence in Higher Education award by the region’s premier association of management professionals.
Dr. Ganić is the author of a number of peer-reviewed papers and has participated in dozens of international conferences in computer science and management in higher learning.

Emir Ganović
Chair of “Powered by SSST” Club

Emir Ganović
Chair of “Powered by SSST” Club
Emir was born on the 21st of July 1999 in Sarajevo. He has actively been enrolled in programming since 2011. He has been a competitive C++ programmer throughout primary and secondary school. He graduated from the Second gymnasium in Sarajevo in 2018. Emir is currently a first year student at SSST and is studying the field of computer science. Apart from C++, Emir is active in the fields of web design and Android application development. Him and three other high school colleagues published their first Android application, DisWAsk, in the closing months of 2017. He has since gone on to co-found the Powered by SSST student club, with the goal of showing that young people in BiH can prosper in the IT industry. His hobby’s apart from programming are voluntary firefighting and cycling.

Emir Sijerčić
Scrum Master, QA Engineer & IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting

Emir Sijerčić
Scrum Master, QA Engineer & IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting
Emir Sijerčić is a certified Professional Scrum Master and works actively in IT industry for more than 10 years. He started as a developer, switched to Quality Assurance and in recent years his focus is on Agile/Scrum methodologies. Currently, he is working in Softhouse Balkans as QA Engineer and Scrum Master, and is the Continuous Delivery guardian within the company.

Emir Žunić
Head of AI/ML Department at Info Studio

Emir Žunić
Head of AI/ML Department at Info Studio
Emir is a MSc of Electrical Engineering with over 8 years of experience in the fields of Software Industry, IT, Data Mining, Business Process Management, Document Management and Optimizations. He currently works as the Head of AI/ML Department at Info Studio d.o.o. Sarajevo, which is one of the biggest IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also, he is the Co-Founder & IT Services Manager of edu720 d.o.o. Sarajevo. As an implementer and team leader he successfully realized about 100 projects and applications. He was a certified Oracle consultant on several big projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and also a lecturer on more than 20 Oracle world-wide events and conferences.
In Academia, he has experience working as a Teaching Assistant/Industry Expert at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo. In the past, he also worked as an Industry Expert at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology. He has published 28 scientific papers at prestigious IEEE/Springer conferences and journals. He is a PhD candidate at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo.
More about Emir on his LinkedIn page:

Erol Terović
Innovator & Student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo

Erol Terović
Innovator & Student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
Erol was born on the 4th September 1998, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2016, he has graduated from the First Bosniak Gymnasium of Sarajevo. Erol has enrolled into the Electrical Engineering faculty in 2016. He is currently a second year student and his field of study is automatic control systems.
Erol was passionate about electronics from his early days, he has built his first RF transmitter when he was 12, participated in various international competitions within the field of STEM and numerous international events such as the BOSEPO science competition, AFS Bielefeld STEM summer camp, Loudoun International Youth Leadership Summit Virginia USA, Sarajevo Innovations Festival 2018 etc. He is the winner of the STELEKS League of Robots competition of 2016. Erol’s main interests in the field are robotics and remotely operated systems. Fluent in English, adept at German and has studied Japanese for 2 years at a course organized by the Japanese Embassy in Sarajevo, and has completed the JLPT N5 test.
In addition to his regular studying activities, Erol has been a member of the STELEKS student association since the very beginning of his study, and has been involved in the managing board of Steleks since 2017. He has taken part in the planning and organizing of many projects and activities in the STELEKS association. He is currently acting as a member, and is in the managing board of the STELEKS Embedded Systems Club (STELEKS-ESC). Erol’s hobbies include: freediving, snowboarding, cycling and is involved in the RC hobby.

Esmir Mulić
Regional Sales and Office Manager at ELATEC

Esmir Mulić
Regional Sales and Office Manager at ELATEC
Esmir Mulić was born on 08.10.1978 in Modriča, Republic of Srpska. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2007 Esmir has been working at Elatec d.o.o. as a Regional Sales & Office Manager, being responsible for Telecom and Banking Business for South-East Europe. He is also a team leader for SIM/USIM/LTE card projects and EMV payment card projects.
Elatec is an international company with HQ office located in Munich, Germany with subsidiary offices in Slovenia, BiH and Turkey. Company is private owned and founded in 1988. Since 2003 company has three independent departments: ELCO (Electronic Components), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) CSS- Card and Security Solutions. In 2007 Elatec d.o.o. became part of Elatec Group. In 2008 Elatec d.o.o. successfully completed ISO 9001:2008 certification process. In 2016 it became one of 8 GSMA certified sites in Europe, and one of 29 worldwide and got certified for superior financial performance by LRCBIS.
Elatec is specialised in manufacturing and supplying customized and different (U)SIM, eUICC and M2M products, technologies for the telecom market, all kind of banking payment cards and the packaging for banking (EMV contact and dual interface cards, EMV personalization, PIN mailers, letters), as well as in delivering loyalty, authentication, membership, identification and communication applications. Finally, Elatec also provides strong authentication and encryption solutions.

Faik Ćatibušić
CTO & Co-Founder at Ant Colony

Faik Ćatibušić
CTO & Co-Founder at Ant Colony
Faik is a problem solver at heart, passionate about crafting software, who loves to introduce cutting-edge technologies to new and legacy projects alike. He is co-founder of software company that is helping startups and innovators bring ideas to life. Within startup ecosystem he acts as a mentor and investor through Ant Colony company by being actively involved with several startups across 3 continents. Lately, he has focused on the design and development of serverless architectures and transformation of monolithic systems into ones based on cloud based solutions.

Faris Kunić
Software Developer at Ant Colony

Faris Kunić
Software Developer at Ant Colony
Faris is an independent problem solver, who gives great value to teamwork and goal oriented work. The things he does not know know, he clearly communicates with his team and peers. Each day he tries to progress further, mainly self development and mentoring his co-workers who struggle with things he struggled.
If he had to describe himself in a sentence, he would say that he is a passionate, calm and goal oriented person that emphasizes teamwork more than anything, but should it be needed, he has no problem in working alone and fulfilling all tasks that are expected from him.

Faruk Mustafić
Co-Founder & CTO at DynamicaSoft

Faruk Mustafić
Co-Founder & CTO at DynamicaSoft
Faruk Mustafić, born 21.08.1994, has always had interest in new, challenging and exciting things. This is part of the reason why he is focusing on emerging technologies such as machine learning and blockchain. He says it can be hard to get around the hype surrounding these tech sometimes and take an objective viewpoint.
He graduated Sarajevo Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2014 and attained Masters degree in 2016. He has finished his final Masters year in Sweden which in itself was new and revealing experience.
After several years as a software developer he decided to pursue his real passion and co-founded the startup DynamicaSoft in 2017 which is focused on driving adoption and real life application of these new technologies. For him it was a new type of experience to manage a company alongside working on the products, which sometimes kills productivity but certainly expands the worldview and presents a new set of challenges.

Haris Muharemović
Founder at Ho'š Muzičku?

Haris Muharemović
Founder at Ho'š Muzičku?
Haris studies Computer Science at SSST, which turned out to be a perfect environment for him to become a software developer and young entrepreneur. He is the founder and CEO of a new tech start-up that is geared towards creating, exploring and expanding an as-of-yet non-existent market. His app, Ho’š Muzičku, is the first of its kind in the whole world and this will be the first time it is ever publicly presented.

Haris Selmanović
Volunteer Lead at BH Futures Foundation

Haris Selmanović
Volunteer Lead at BH Futures Foundation
Haris Selmanovic was born in Tuzla, where he finished primary education as the best student in generation and graduated from Gymnasium “Mesa Selimovic”. At the moment, Haris is an undergraduate student of Computer Engineering at Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, currently starting his 4th year of studies.
He has been very active in the NGO sector, spending his 4th grade as a Board member in the ASuBiH (Association of Secondary School Students in BiH) where he had the opportunity to manage an organisation totally ran by secondary school students. During that period, Haris worked as a youth educator and project manager, while also becoming a member of the Working Group on Student Welfare in OBESSU (Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions). After his mandate passed, Haris worked as an Assistant Programme Manager in IPAK – Youth Builds the Future.
In his 1st year of studies, Haris got involved with EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Student European Association) and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). After a year as Board member of EESTEC Local Committee Tuzla, together with his colleagues, Haris revoke the IEEE Student Branch University of Tuzla. As a member of the IEEE, Haris has taken part in organizing the IEEE SYPC BIH for the last two years. This year, he is getting involved through the Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation with workshops aimed at enhancing the employability of students in B&H.

Jasmin Azemović
Dean at Faculty of Information Technologies, University Džemal Bijedić

Jasmin Azemović
Dean at Faculty of Information Technologies, University Džemal Bijedić
Dr. Azemović is active in the areas of database systems and information security. His specific fields of interest are: security, data privacy, forensic analysis and fraud detection. His main research is in the field of modeling, design and development an environment for the preservation of privacy. Dr. Azemović is the author of scientific and research papers indexed in IEEE, Compendex, Inspec, Thomson and ACM databases. He is also the author of the books: “Writing T-SQL Queries for Beginners Using Microsoft SQL Server 2012”, “Securing SQL Server 2012” and ”SQL Server on Linux”.
Dr. Azemović is an active member in the professional IT world: Microsoft MVP (Data Platform), MCT- Microsoft Certified Trainer. Part of his activities are connected with security consultant for the audit issues, safety standards and authorized/unauthorized data modification (fraud) in the database layer. He was a speaker at many regional IT pro conferences (Sinergija, WinDays, NTK, MS NetWork etc.).
Currently, Dr. Azemović is a Dean at the Faculty of Information Technologies – University “Džemal Bijedić“, Mostar.

Josip Balen
Founder of IEEE MadC

Josip Balen
Founder of IEEE MadC
Dr. Josip Balen teaches at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and IT in Osijek. His main area of expertise outside of his teaching career is intelligent transportation systems, while his main area of expertise in regard to teaching are mobile app development and implementation. Alongside his career in academia, he also works as an entrepreneur and consultant for SME. He has spent a lot of time on numerous prestigious European universities, bringing his own skills and knowledge to as high of a level as possible, while also participating in a number of national and international projects. He is an active IEEE volunteer with many titles on all levels – local, national and international, as well as being the founder of IEEEmadC, a global mobile app development competition.

Mirsad Hadžikadić
Professor, Director of Complex Systems Institute & Executive Director of Data Science Initiative at UNC Charlotte

Mirsad Hadžikadić
Professor, Director of Complex Systems Institute & Executive Director of Data Science Initiative at UNC Charlotte
Dr. Hadžikadić joined the UNC Charlotte faculty in 1987 after receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Southern Methodist University, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. Mirsad has published three edited books and over 40 scientific papers published in journals and conference proceedings. His research activities have been primarily focused on machine learning, data mining, data science, cognitive science, health informatics, and complex adaptive systems. From 1991 to 1997, Mirsad served as the Director of the Department of Medical Informatics and the Department of Orthopedic Informatics at the Carolinas HealthCare System. In 1998, he joined Deloitte. In January 1999 Mirsad assumed the Chairmanship of the Department of Computer Science. Mirsad served as the Founding Dean of the newly formed College for Computing and Informatics from 2000 until 2008. Mirsad is currently serving as a Professor of Software and Information Systems, the Director of the Complex Systems Institute, and the Executive Director of the Data Science Initiative at UNC Charlotte. Mirsad’s service to the profession and community included the following responsibilities: President of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Editor of the Journal of Policy and Complex Systems, and Chair of national and international conferences.

Mirsad Jašarspahić
President at Chamber of Economics of the FBiH

Mirsad Jašarspahić
President at Chamber of Economics of the FBiH
Mirsad Jašarspahić is the president of the Chamber of Economics of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Zenica, and has extensive knowledge in the field of civil engineering as well as corporate management and economics. Before the Chamber of Commerce, he used to be the President of the RMU Kakanj, as well as the CEO for the commercial-technical works at PD Rudostroj. He has an active proficiency of the English language, as well as A1/A2 proficiency of Turkish.
Other notable positions he held are: Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Executives in BiH, Business Council of the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo, Forum of the stakeholders of the University of Zenica, Foreign Investment Councils at the Government of FBiH, and Member of the National Energy Council of BiH at MoFWB.
Mirsad has also been declared Manager of the year in the years 2011 and 2015.
This father of three possesses a truly varied and extensive knowledge in the fields of both engineering and economics and we are honored to have him speak at our Congress.

Nedim Sadović
System Engineer at Logosoft

Nedim Sadović
System Engineer at Logosoft
Nedim Sadović has over 15 years of work experience in the IT industry and has been teaching lectures at almost all regional IT conferences such as MSNetwork, Microsoft Community, Windays, AdvancedTechnologyDays, #Tarabica, and others. He has over 50 Microsoft certificates from MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCDST. He is among the first in the world who has received the following certifications: MCSA Windows Server 2012, MCSA Windows Server 2016, MCSE Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, and MCSE Server Infrastructure. He primarily deals with the teaching, testing, troubleshooting data center, O365, and Intune. He enjoys entertaining audiences at conferences in which he participates, and he often gets the highest grades for his lectures.
Visit his blog at

Sadžida Balić
Marketing Associate at Bicom Systems

Sadžida Balić
Marketing Associate at Bicom Systems
Student of Public Relations and Journalism at University of Sarajevo. Public speaker and writer. Worked as Project Assistant in Social Innovation Incubator “Munja” and Educator in Coalition for Free and Fair Elections “Pod lupom”. Passionate about Digital Marketing and power of words.

Sanda Šljivo
Research Assistant at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA

Sanda Šljivo
Research Assistant at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA
Sanda Šljivo has received both BSc and MSc Degrees on Computing and Informatics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo. Sanda is currently a PhD candidate at the same Faculty and is working as the research assistant on Horizon2020 iMareCulture project funded by EU. Her fields of interest are computer graphics, VR, AR, XR, 3D design and animation, 360ovideos, video production, interactive digital storytelling. She has published papers as both author and co-author at many international conferences. Recently a paper where Sanda was co-author (VR Storytelling for Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation) has won the best paper award at Visual Heritage 2018 conference held in Vienna, Austria. Sanda has worked on many projects that included work with Unity game engine and .Net technologies. She is an active member of IEEE Bosnia and Herzegovina and also a treasurer in IEEE Young Professionals AG B&H. Every day she tries to learn something new, soit is not a surprise that she has won with her team first place in Japan Bowl Balkan 2018.

Selma Rizvić
Associate Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA

Selma Rizvić
Associate Professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UNSA
Dr. Selma Rizvić is an Associate Professor of Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo. For 20 years she has been teaching there at Bachelor, Masters and PhD study programs. From 2005-2010 she has been engaged as well at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, where she established computer graphics courses and Digital Media Center laboratory.
At the University of Sarajevo, she founded in 2004 the Laboratory for Computer Graphics – Sarajevo Graphics Group. It is a research group that specializes in the use of 3D technologies for the presentation of cultural heritage. The SGG research group is multidisciplinary, it includes computer graphics experts and works with archaeologists, historians, visual artists, writers, film professionals, in order to design and implement virtual cultural heritage applications which have both educational value and are engaging, entertaining and attractive at the same time.
The unique expertise of SGG in interactive digital storytelling embedded in a number of virtual archaeology projects brought them invitations in major EU consortiums. From 2011-2015 they have been a partner in the FP7 NoE Virtual Museum Transnational Network and presently they are involved in H2020 iMARECULTURE project.
Selma Rizvić was a Work Group leader in MPNS COST Action TD1201 “Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage” (COSCH) from 2012-2016. She is now a Steering Committee member of CA COST Action CA16213 New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent.
She is included as an expert in future digital-based research and innovation activities on ICT and Cultural Heritage in the framework of the next work programme of the European Commission.
Dr. Selma Rizvić will present the overview of the Sarajevo Graphics Group’s work in developing interactive digital storytelling methodology for digital presentation of cultural heritage.

Semir Hadžimuratović

Semir Hadžimuratović
Semir Hadžimuratović holds a MSc in Power Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, and is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems at the Technical University in Graz, Austria. He has background and expertise in modeling electrical power grids, as well as drafting and reviewing strategic plans and documents. As a researcher, he has been involved in academia for 10 years, teaching courses such as Power Substations, Power System Analysis, and other engineering topics.

Semir Musić
Co-Founder at Lilium Digital

Semir Musić
Co-Founder at Lilium Digital
Semir Musić founded the digital marketing agency Lilium Digital at the age of 25 and in less than three years managed to establish cooperation with over 300 companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia, Germany and the USA. So far he has worked for brands such as: Porsche, Mercedes, Audi, DM and many others.
Prior to his business career, he was a BiH representative in kickboxing and vice-champion of Europe.
At this year’s congress Semir will share with us his story and the path he had to pass to work with a number of successful companies today.

Semir Šakanović
Co-Founder & CEO of Habeetat

Semir Šakanović
Co-Founder & CEO of Habeetat
Semir “Symorgh” Šakanović completed his MA in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Information Technology. He is the Co-Founder and CEO of Habeetat, a startup that developed a unique smart beehive. Habeetat formed as a part of HUB387’s Accelerator Program, where it continues with its development. His knack for innovative solutions is further confirmed with his solution “Smart Display”, used by public transportation systems in Sarajevo, which he developed with his team at Solution404. He is Founder & CEO of Solution404 and Co-Founder of tetraxmedia. Semir, an avid learner and teacher, has also conducted lectures on the fields of hardware design and electronic boards.

Senad Zaimović
IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting

Senad Zaimović
IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting
Senad is one of the Softhouse Balkans young professionals with experience both in hardware and software engineering and passion for embedded systems. By working in competitive environment Senad aims to deliver best quality product by using and spreading the word about the agile methodology.

Shahriyar Mohammadi
Founder & CEO at

Shahriyar Mohammadi
Founder & CEO at
Shahriyar Mohammadi obtained his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information Systems from the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST), while he is currently pursuing his master’s degree in Computer Science with focus on Big Data at the same university. As a student with outstanding academic achievement, he works as a teaching assistant at SSST as well.
Successful as he is, Shahriyar is also the founder and CEO of Startup. is a free smartphone application which allows its users to win a wide range of valuable gifts and discounts. This young and successful entrepreneur combined his passion for programming, marketing and design into a unique idea, and supported by his professor Faik Ćatibušić and Any Colony, has turned the concept emerged during an undergraduate course at SSST into a real product.
Goody introduces a new way of marketing, allowing businesses to promote their products and customers to win goodies. This app feeds advertisements in mobile platforms in a full-screen format. It can not only convey the message effectively but also yield higher conversion compared to other advertising methods. Currently, has 25000 active users, it is available for both Android and iOS and is completely free.
All of the Goody’s partners offer exclusive discounts and prizes, while its partnerships include collaborations with companies such as Swarovski, Hifa-Oil, Four Seasons, Tommy Hilfiger, Zlatarna Dar, Pandora and LEGO.
In very short time, Goody has attracted numerous users, witnessed huge growth and earned extreme popularity. Finally, was selected as one of the most successful startups in BiH and took part in the Western Balkans Summit Start-up Games held in London in July 2018.

Sulejman Ćatibušić
Head of Education at Mistral Technologies

Sulejman Ćatibušić
Head of Education at Mistral Technologies
He was born in Sarajevo, in the year 1957. He wrote his first computer program, as a highschool student of II Gimnazija Sarajevo, was written on the ICL-1902 computer using FORTRAN. The code was written in 1972 by hand, and transferred to the computer via punched cards.
Later, as a Computer Science student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Sarajevo, he was in touch with computers of that era: PDP-11 (operating system RSX) and VAX-750 (operating system VMS).
First several years of his career are marked by the embedded systems: system for fuel consumption control in combat aircrafts (“Orao” and “Galeb” for Yugoslavian Air Forces) and autopilot for combat aircrafts (“Orao” for YU Air Forces and “Vultur” for Romanian Air Forces).
From 1988 to 1992 he worked on Management Information System for Unis Tours Sarajevo, and thus covered more than 100 tourist and rent-a-car branches all over Yugoslavia with Local Area Networks. All branches were connected in WAN.
During the 1992-1995 war, he was a member of the BH Army.
After the war he continued his journey in tech industry. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, he was a teaching assistant for the “Basics of Computing” and “Programming Techniques”. At the same time, he was the manager of the information system department at the public company BH Post.
Since 2013, he is a part of successful young company “Mistral Technologies” from Sarajevo, first as a CTO, then as a Head of Education. In Mistral, he runs the “Gigi School of Coding”. Through this school, 57 young people have, so far, shaped their career path.
He is the father of two sons (Faik and Namik – both successful young developers).
Sulejman is also a lecturer at the CSIS department of SSST, teaching the course “Compiler Design”.

Srđan Vranešević
Sales Manager at EdenGarden

Srđan Vranešević
Sales Manager at EdenGarden
Srđan Vranešević was born in Sarajevo in 1980, and emigrated to Italy at age 14. There, he majored in the Economic Development and International Cooperation course, at the Florence University of Economics. He is fluent in Italian and English.
At age 16, he began working with Garden Umbrellas, starting as an assembler and iron cutter. This was just one of many jobs he had while simultaneously completing his studies.
He started the EdenGarden project with his father, in 2007, based on their previous experience in the industry. It started with a 100.000€ capital, and 3 workers, yet it now counts over 55 workers, and the company operates in more than 20 countries around the globe, trough its distributors, with all of their products crafted on order.
We are thrilled to have him speak at this year’s congress.

Tarik Heleg
Vice-Chair of “Powered by SSST” Club

Tarik Heleg
Vice-Chair of “Powered by SSST” Club
Tarik Heleg was born on the 17th of June 1999, in Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2018, he graduated from the First gymnasium in Zenica. Tarik has enrolled at the SSST University in 2018, and is currently a first year student of Computer Science and Information Systems. Showing an interest for computers at an early age, he started working with basic programming languages at the beginning of high school as a hobby. Later on he has worked with friends on creating different forums and websites, as a pastime, in the process gaining a certain amount of experience in the field. Since then he has co-found one of the newest clubs at SSST called “Powered by SSST”, with his colleague Emir Ganović, and with the idea that young people, especially perspective students, can make big changes happen and can gain experience by helping each other in different fields. Some of his hobbies include: dancing, skiing, playing music and cycling in his free time.

Tarik Mehić
Software Developer at Ant Colony

Tarik Mehić
Software Developer at Ant Colony
As a front-end developer he has a portfolio of many completed projects, primarily on large web platforms. He feels most confident in using Meteor and React which are his primary choice. He has worked for big companies and is has notable communication skills. He encourages best practices and use of code reviews.
Tarik loves to be in charge of the tasks and organize his time in order to deliver the best possible solution in the time frame required. He knows how to handle stressful situations and has no problem working on several projects simultaneously.
Tarik also likes his role of tutor for new, young people that come to his company, because it gives him more space to improve both theirs and his knowledge all together.
In general, he would call himself a “Developer with a know-how in tech and lean start up businesses!”

Tatjana Vučić
Board Member at BH Futures Foundation

Tatjana Vučić
Board Member at BH Futures Foundation
Tatjana was born in Banja Luka in 1986. She obtained her university Degree in international economics and management at the University of Bocconi in Italy, as well as her Master of Science degree in innovation and technology at the same institution. She was Bocconi University ambassador for Southest Europe and Italian delegacy member at Harvard World MUN. Next step in Tatjana’s education was three-year Specialization in strategic management and leadership at one of the world’s greatest universities, Harvard University, which she completed with the highest A grade. She is still engaged there in research as an analyst on projects for world’s corporations, with an accent on high-tech industry.
In 2010, Tatjana comes back home and starts her business career in the region by joining Ministry of Science and Technology, later on University of Banja Luka Rectorat and Faculty of Electrical Engineering. Her next career move is entering the real sector by joining greatest IT company Lanaco and, later, couple of consulting agencies. Currently, she works at Telecom of Republic of Srpska, HR Sector in Division for Corporate Affairs. She is also BIT Alliance Branch Manager for Republic of Srpska.
In addition to this, Tatjana is cofounder and director of Young Developers Boot Camps, successfully organized for 5 years now, with a mission to develop new generations of digital age, as well as contribute to IT industry development in the country and the region. She also has her own start-up itLAB. She is BH Futures Foundation Board Member as she devotes a lot of her time to young talents from all around the country as well as our Diaspora. She is a member of MENSA international.
One of the things she is the most proud of, is being a mother of three children.

Tibor Cara
Founder & CEO at GeoWAN

Tibor Cara
Founder & CEO at GeoWAN
Tim Cara is a lifelong entrepreneur who founded GeoWAN, an Australian IoT company. GeoWAN is a public LoRaWAN network provider supporting Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart Rural, IoT & you so every Australian can benefit. The company is helping drive the internet of things in Australia. Tim has lived and worked for extended part of his life in Serbia & Hungary where he draws his roots from. He has spent extensive periods interacting with professionals from other industries to develop a comprehensive understanding of the human element in new product adoption. Tim is often proud to say that he has had no formal education besides his high school degree but that he has a degree in life and people, highlighting the importance he places on understanding human psychology and communications. GeoWAN supports Agricultural IoT solutions including horticultural systems, viticulture and broadacre irrigation. Pasture and livestock management including birth to plate principles, cold storage integrity, farm to self practices in food agility, flora health management and monitoring and natural disaster management. At IEEE BiH SYPC 2018 Tim will roll out a LoraWAN IoT network examples from Australia and recommendations in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Vernisa Rejhan
COO at Softhouse Consulting

Vernisa Rejhan
COO at Softhouse Consulting
Vernisa Rejhan is an agile leader driving companies and organisations forward by parallel focus on both structure and culture for the best business benefit. Her motto is to create the best predispositions for the teams for common success. Close client interaction, working climate where all team members opinions and ideas are equally valued and breeding new leaders are some of the strategies that are at the core of Vernisas leadership. She is the COO of the IT company Softhouse Balkans, the initiator of the forum Leaders Tribe that connects the good leaders in B&H as well as president of Swedish Chamber of Commerce in B&H. She is also a pride board member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundations supporting the creation of young future leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the co-owner of family business Freya doo.

Zana Tatar
IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting

Zana Tatar
IT Consultant at Softhouse Consulting
Zana Tatar earned her master’s degree at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, in the field of Computing and Informatics. She is as Software Developer/ IT Consultant at Softhouse Balkans, and works with cutting edge technologies such as React and Node.js. Through her professional experience she has worked a lot in the Agile manner and she applies Scrum through her projects and everyday assignments. Zana has held several workshops on the topic of using Scrum in software development.
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Sarajevo, BIH
Friday to Monday
30th November – 2nd December 2018
Gala Dinner and Networking Events
Don’t miss it!