Chairs' Address
“The IEEE Student and Young Professional Congress and the First BH Engineering Week it is a part of, represent an enormous step towards strengthening the engineering community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This will also launch the notion that technical industry, something our country has always been famous for, is one of the main pillars of economic and societal growth. The Congress is a special gift for the students and young professional because it gives them the opportunity to advance their technical and professional skills. They also have a unique opportunity to connect to our industry, as this year’s focus is on successful domestic companies that do international business. This is the next step in appreciating our talent more and shifting focus towards domestic companies.”
Edhem (Eddie) Custovic
Congress Founder & Steering Committee Chair
Australian-Bosnian Academic, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist
“It is my pleasure to welcome students and young scientists from our country and all over the world to the 3rd annual IEEE Student & Young Professional Congress to be held at the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST), Sarajevo, BiH, 30 November – 02 December 2018. The Congress will be organised as a part of the First BH Engineering Week, where some of the most influential industry leaders and technology experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also from worldwide, will be present here in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As before, the aim of the Congress is to inspire the youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be more proactive in improving the economic status and brain drain in BiH by focusing on novelty, entrepreneurship and leadership. We hope that you can join us and immerse yourself in 3 days of personal development, professional networking and innovative thinking.”
Ajla Kulaglic
Congress Local Organising Committee Chair
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It has more than 450 thousand members, almost a third of them being students.
IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe.
Local Organizing Committee

Ajla Kulaglić
Local Organising Committee Chair

Ajla Kulaglić
Local Organising Committee Chair
She received BSc degree and MSc Degree on Computing and Informatics, both from University of Sarajevo (Faculty of Electrical Engineering), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 2008 and 2010 respectively. She is currently a PhD candidate at Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University (Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering), Istanbul, Turkey, and research assistant at Agro-Informatics Research and Application Center (TARBIL). She has published papers at international conferences and journals interested in data fusion. The published works are mainly about data fusion models for remotely sensed and ground based measurement data of agricultural sensor networks using preprocessing techniques, such as Wavelet transformation together with Neural Networks for estimation performances. She is interested in doing further research in development of convolutional neural network model for estimation performances. Her current primary fields of investigations are forecast of financial time series data, natural events, agricultural sensor networks, data fusion and machine learning techniques.

Dejan Jokić
IEEE Young Professionals BiH Chair

Dejan Jokić
IEEE Young Professionals BiH Chair
Dejan attained his PhD from the University of East Sarajevo on the topic of mechatronic systems. PhD thesis was: „Realisation controlling environment for robot PUMA 560“ from the filed Mechatronics (Mechanics, Electronics and IT). He specialises in the design of FPGA programmable logic control of robotics. Furthermore, Dejan is a member of the program committee for the IFAC/IEEE Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems conference.
Aside from technological excellence, Dejan has focused on working with young students and their start-ups, which placed him in the position of the director of La Trobe Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundry (LIEF) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Belma Ramić-Brkić
General Coordinator

Belma Ramić-Brkić
General Coordinator
Belma Ramić-Brkić is Dean of Computer Science and Information Systems Faculty at the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST). She holds a Ph.D. degree from the International Digital Laboratory, Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, UK. Belma also has an MSc (2009) and a BSc (2006) with honors from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In 2013, Belma started the first Computer Graphics club where she is working on a development of educational computer games with student members. She has published papers at international conferences and journals and is interested in research topics such as serious games, visualisation and visual perception, multi-modal perception, cultural digitalisation, human computer interaction, database systems, data mining techniques and applications, and ICT in education.
Belma is particularly interested in doing further research in development of serious games with applications in early childhood development. Two such games, initially developed within the Computer Graphics course and later improved and upgraded as an undergraduate thesis project won 2nd and 3rd place at the regional FIT Coding Challenge, held in Mostar, May 2016. The work on this project was published as book chapters in “The Series Lecture Notes in Network and Systems” by Springer.

Eddie Čustović
Steering Committee Chair

Eddie Čustović
Steering Committee Chair
With a passion for engineering, science, education, entrepreneurship, innovation and commercialisation, Eddie Custovic is a highly driven engineer with the ability to deliver exceptional project outcomes. He is a cross disciplinary early career researcher and facilitator of multi stakeholder investigations. He has worked on cutting edge R&D projects securing over 1.5 million dollars of funding in a variety of sectors including; defence, communications, power, food & agriculture, automotive, health, sports technology and civil/construction. His multicultural background and multilingualism enables him to take a politically and culturally sensitive approach to life, volunteer roles and professional career.
Eddie is an academic and industry project manager in the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University and is a member of the Centre for Technology Infusion which focuses on strategic and translational research and innovation through integration of complementary research expertise. He is a leader and member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) where he is currently serving on several global IEEE boards.
He is heavily involved in student mentoring and thrives on further developing student and young professionals communication, leaderships and entrepreneurial attributes. He is a tireless ambassador for STEM education and Women in Engineering and this is evident through his continued work to bridge the gap between primary/secondary/university education and industry. His work with students and employability was formally recognised in 2015 when he was awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s award for supporting student employability. Eddie was also the recipient of the IEEE global Young Professionals Achievement Award highlighting his competence and contributions to this 400,000 member professional organisation.

Haris Selmanović
Career Ready Workshops Coordinator

Haris Selmanović
Career Ready Workshops Coordinator
Haris Selmanovic was born in Tuzla, where he finished primary education as the best student in gneration and graduated from Gymnasium “Mesa Selimovic”. At the moment, Haris is an undergraduate student of Computer Science and Informatics at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, currently starting his 3rd year of studies.
He has been very active in the NGO sector, spending his 4th grade as a Board member in the ASuBiH (Association of Secondary School Students in BiH) where he had the opportunity to manage an organisation totally ran by secondary school students. During that period, Haris worked as a youth educator and project manager, while also becoming a member of the Working Group on Student Welfare in OBESSU (Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions). After his mandate passed, Haris worked as an Assistant Programme Manager in IPAK – Youth Builds the Future.
In his 1st year of studies, Haris got involved with EESTEC (Electrical Engineering Student European Association) and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). After a year as Board member of EESTEC Local Committee Tuzla, together with his colleagues, Haris rewoke the IEEE Student Branch University of Tuzla. Last year Haris was a part of the Organizing Committee of the first Student and Young Professional Congress in BiH, and was rewarded with the IEEE President’s Challenge Coin for his efforts in organizing the Event. Through the Congress, Haris got the opportunity to connect with prof. Eddie Custovic, and currently volunteers in the Bosnia and Herzegovina Futures Foundation, where prof. Custovic is one of the Board members.

Ena Džemila
PR and Student Ambassador

Ena Džemila
PR and Student Ambassador
Ena Džemila is a 20 year old born in Sarajevo, where she went to The Second Gymnasium in Sarajevo and completed the IB Diploma Program. She is a 2nd year Computer Science student, and is currently an active member of IEEE and Computer Graphics clubs at SSST.
She have spent the majority of her highschool years volunteering in events such as “Ruku na srce”, “Diplomatic Winter Bazaar”, “Renesansa-Race for the cure”, and “Volontiraj Kreditiraj” which has given har a lot of experience with the NGOs as well as great organizational and leadership skills. She has volunteered at the European Researchers Night for the past 3 years, and was a participant in the European Youth Parliament in Sarajevo in it’s two initials years. She had also been one of the organizers of the annual cantonal karate charity tournament “Denis Mrnjavac” in 2017.
Currently, she is an intern in Abstract Thinking where she writes various computer science tutorials.

Rijad Sarić
Student Advisor and Support

Rijad Sarić
Student Advisor and Support
Rijad Sarić was born in Sarajevo, where he completed his primary, secondary and undergraduate education in the field of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the SSST (Sarajevo School of Science and Technology) as an outstanding student who is result driven with a global outlook. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in embedded systems at the International Burch University (IBU) in Sarajevo. He is an active member of the IEEE student society since 2016 and he has contributed in starting the SSST IEEE student branch. Also, he participated in the organization of previous IEEE SYPC 2017. He gained his research experience while working on his BSc thesis where he combined academic as well as professional knowledge. Furthermore, he successfully published his research paper which represents an extension of his thesis at prestigious IEEE conference in Thessaloniki (Greece) 2018 thanks to the travel grant awarded by BH Futures Foundation. Finally, he is a part of 2018 BHFF mentorship program that offered him to be mentored on the theme autonomous driving vehicles by a Continental AG expert.

Delara Mohammadi
Congress PR

Delara Mohammadi
Congress PR
Delara Mohammadi is originally from Iran, but has spent most of her life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Having graduated from the International high school of Sarajevo, she enrolled at SSST, where she completed the first year of the computer science program.
At her high school, she was a member of the student council where she participated in discussions regarding any issues that the students might have and tried to resolve them. This taught her a lot about conflict resolution, team work and public relations. Besides that, she spent a large part of her life dancing, and was a part of Bosnia’s national dance team.
She is currently interested in learning about marketing and social media marketing, because she has seen how it has helped her brother’s company grow, and the importance of marketing and social media marketing.

Džan Kukuljac
Web Design and Support

Džan Kukuljac
Web Design and Support
Džan is currently a second year student of Computer Science and Information Systems at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology. During his high school period at Druga gimnazija Sarajevo, he attended the IB Diploma Program after completing IB Middle Years Program. Besides being one of the best students in the high school, he was very active in NGO sector. He attended the prestigious Governors Institute of Vermont in USA and gained the USA Alumni status. Moreover, Džan was extremely active in European Youth Parliament where he was Regional Coordinator for the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was one of the head organizers of the project DOBA, which aimed to simulate the political system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, Džan’s focus is on web and app development as he was a software developer intern in a prestigious IT company in Sarajevo.

Ajla Milutinović
Student Activities Coordinator

Ajla Milutinović
Student Activities Coordinator
Ajla Milutinović is currently a second year Computer Science student at Sarajevo School of Science and Technology. She attended the First Gymnasium in Zenica, after which she moved to Sarajevo to pursue a college degree. Ajla is an active member of IEEE and the computer graphics club at SSST.

Amel Helez
Social Media Officer

Amel Helez
Social Media Officer
Amel Helez was born on 27th January 1999 in Travnik, BiH. He finished both primary and high school in Bugojno and he was one of the top students. During the time in Bugojno, Helez also trained basketball and went to music school where he learned to play guitar and accordion. He has won many tournaments and competitions. After finishing Gymnasium Bugojno, Helez decided to study Computer Science at University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology. He finished the first year with GPA of 9.2. Since 2018, Helez has been a part of SSST IEEE Student Branch.
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Sarajevo, BIH
Friday to Monday
November 30th to December 2nd
Gala Dinner and networking events
Don’t miss it